ecstatic dance
I've been ecstatic dancing about monthly for a couple of years now. It's a blissfull way of shaking off the judgments I have about others. Moreover, it's an active way of freeing myself from self judgment and to shut down thinking completely.
vipassana 2.0
From January 4th till January 14th 2019 I participated in what was my second vipassana retreat. I'm sharing my insights in this post
millennials are not lazy
Millennials aren't lazy. Are most of us spoiled? Yes, I think so. But for a different reason than most of us think
why a marathon is so much more than running 42km
Learning how to slow life down for it to actually become enjoyable
what is a contemporary warrior?
How I went from seeing life as something to be conquered to seeing life as a gift
feeling at unease in your daily doings? ask yourself this
In my eyes, there is one question that stands out as most important to pose to yourself every once in a while: "When do you feel most alive?"